Usage: [OPTIONS] Command line interface to the LegiScan API that is capable of importing data, examples: --bulk --import --scan --scan --state CA --scan --year 2020 --import --scan --session 1639 --bulk Run a bulk update based on config.php settings --scan Scan the available dataset archives --state STATE Set STATE for query, defaults to all states --year YEAR Set YEAR for filtering results --file ZIP Dataset zip archive to process --session SESSION_ID Filter for specific SESSION_IDs --skip SESSION_ID Filter against specific SESSION_IDs --special Flag only special session datasets --regular Flag only regular session datasets --import Import selected bulk dataset archives --yes Automatically answer Yes to any Yes/No prompts --verbose Be verbose in general --debug Be more verbose specifically, maybe dump some JSON payload --dry-run Don't take action only print out what would have been done --help Display this help text --version Show the application version number